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Мобильное приложение

Volvo S60 Concept (2009)The Volvo S60 Concept car which will be unveiled at the Detroit Motor Show in early January 2009, will give an indication of what the all-new Volvo S60 will look like when it's launched in 2010. "The all-new S60 will be one of the strongest players in a segment where the competition is razor-sharp," says Volvo Cars President and CEO Stephen Odell.

The coupe-inspired lines that gave the original Volvo S60 its characteristic stance are more pronounced in this next generation. "The sporty design gives a visual promise of an enthusiastic drive and I can assure you that the all-new S60 will live up to that promise. The driving properties are better than in any previous Volvo," says Stephen Odell.

"The concept car's exterior gives a clear indication of what customers can expect of the all-new Volvo S60. On the inside we've been even more daring," says Volvo Cars Design Director Steve Mattin.

The front of the Volvo S60 Concept sports the enlarged iron mark in the trapezoidal grille. The two lamps that flank the grill emphasise the vertical stance of the front and highlight the bonnet's V-shape. The angled headlamps flow up into the strongly sculptured bonnet and combined with the lower air intake's reverse trapezoidal shape, this gives the concept car a very expressive "face".

"Dynamic and with considerable character, but without appearing aggressive. This car is packed with inspiration from Scandinavian design and from the Swedish coastline's cliffs and seas. A thrilling blend of drama and sensuality," says Steve Mattin.

Viewed from the side, the concept car's slim coupe roofline and window graphics are accompanied by an entirely new shoulder line, forming a gentle double wave, stretching from the headlamps all the way to the rear. Both the seven-spoke 20-inch wheels and the tread of the low-profile tyres have been specially designed, while the bronze-painted brake callipers match the "Warm Liquid Copper" livery.

The unique rear parallelogram doors offer a spectacular show when they are opened and closed. Door opening is initiated by pressing a button and the movement starts off in the traditional way. In the next phase, the forward section swings out away from the car's body and the door glides parallel with the side of the car until it reaches its end position by the rear wheel. Since the car does not have a B-pillar between the front and rear seats, this door configuration offers exceptionally generous entry and exit access.

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